Monday, November 26, 2012

There's so much going on at SubRosa!

Greeting friends, comrades, creatures and the like!

There is so much going on at SubRosa this fall! As we dance our way
between rain and super sunny hot autumn days we are as busy as ever. We
are open weekdays from 9-2pm, come down and catch a Free Skool class, get
a cup of coffee, check out our new stock of books or the new Rolling
Thunder, or just hangout. We've made some changes to the space that have
opened it up even more, you have to see for yourself.

Here are all the events happening at your friendly anarchist infoshop in
the next week!

SAT Nov. 10th: 9am - 12pm Really Really Free Market
No money. No trades. Everything is free. This market is based on a
gift-economy and thinks capitalism sucks. Bring food to share. Bring your
special items that you don't use but can't throw away (ex. clothes, toys,
art supplies, instruments, books and zines...your free box). Bring your
special talents to offer people (ex. haircuts, massage, reiki...). Come
and take what you want/what you can use and be thankful. We will have
folks to check in with as you arrive. First come first served, space may
be limited.

1-3pm Newspaper Blackout Poetry
This class, inspired by Austin Kleon's Newspaper Blackout, will be a hands
on experiment in creating your very own newspaper blackout poetry! I will
guide you through the process, assisting with helpful tips and a variety
of approaches to creating your own poems. Whether you're a seasoned writer
or haven't ever written a poem, this class is for you! All you need is a
sharpie, newspaper and some discernment and...voilĂ !

MON Nov. 12th: 5 -6:30pm Tenant Legal Information
Local Attorney will discuss Lanlord/Tenant issues including security
deposits, repairs, habitability issues, discrimination, leases, notices,
evictions, how to avoid disputes and answers questions.

TUES Nov. 13th: 7-8pm Acupressure for Allergy Relief
Acupressure is an ancient Chinese healing method that involves applying
pressure to certain points on the body to free up congested energy and
thus promote self-healing. We will go over 8 acupressure points known to
relieve allergy symptoms, as presented in Michael Gach's "Acupressure's
Potent Points: A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments." We will
practice finding these points with a partner and/or on ourselves.

WED Nov. 14th: 10am - 12pm Raising Babies Diaper Free
t might be hard to believe, but humans haven't always raised babies with
diapers and many still don't today! With a combination of cues, timing,
and intuition, we can take care of our babies' elimination needs when they
happen, instead of cleaning up after the fact. In the first world people
call this Elimination Communication (EC) and in other parts of the world
it often has no name. In this class we will talk about common cues, ways
to "pee" or "poop" a baby, starting late, dealing with EC in public,
common problems, and more

6-8pm Queer and Trans Community Building
We know we're out there! Let's open discussions on our experiences and the
issues we face, offer each other support, and queer up activities from
playing board games to making music to planning the revolution! There is
such a lack of queer and trans safe spaces- this aims to be one.

THURS Nov. 15th: 5-7pm Improv!
This workshop teaches basic improvisational acting skills application and
theory. Participants will develop creativity, spontaneity, confidence and
other skills such as support of fellow actors and evolution of a scene
through the practice of various theater games. No previous theater
experience is required.

7:30 - 10:30pm Women/Trans/Queer Open Mic
This is SubRosa's monthly performance space for women, trans, and queer
folk. Last month we were transported into the spirit realm and wove magic
and connection to the dead into our performances. Always fun, often
glittery, this night is not to be missed.

FRI Nov. 16th: 5:30 - 7:30pm Hacktivism
Though much of technology is well-deserving of critique and scrutiny, we
work to shape the new world within the context of the old. Through this
series of hacktivism workshops, we want to both encourage your interest in
technology and provide a way for all of us to exercise our radical
politics. If you've ever soldered something and enjoyed it, or if you've
ever learned a programming language and felt brilliant, or if you've ever
designed something that worked perfectly, we'd like to share more of that
with you in an environment where men, women, and trans folks can connect.

7 - 8:30pm Radical Childcare Callout!
Do you like babysitting, but not capitalism? Do you like hanging out with
kids, but don't know any? Parents need support, kids always need more
friends; let's talk about how to be radical parent allies! We are folks
with a range of childcare experience becoming a radical childcare
collective in Santa Cruz. We welcome you to join us. Come discuss what
this could look like and see how you can help.

Still with us? Wow, you're great. We hope to see you down at the shop
sometime soon! Thanks for being you.

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