(you or someone you know may be a grand jury resister!)
Friday, January 25 at 6:00pm
at SubRosa, 703 Pacific Ave.
There is a grand jury going on right now to investigate events that happened in Santa Cruz several years ago. Meanwhile, 3 people sit in jail in the Northwest for refusing to provide information to a grand jury there.
What is a grand jury?
What do I do if I get a subpoena?
Why are they investigating people from Santa Cruz?
How can our communities support grand jury resisters?
But I'm not a vegan anymore! They won't try to talk to me, right?
These questions and more will be answered at this event. This event will feature delicious food, knowledgeable speakers, and entertainment.
This evening is also an opportunity for us to connect with each other about this state repression, as grand juries have been used to harass radical communities, and to continue to create strong and supportive communities.
$10-$50 sliding scale donation to benefit CA grand jury resisters for legal support.
For more info about this grand jury, see: http://www.greenisthenewred.com/blog/california-grand-investigating-animal-rights-activists/6682/
For info about the NW grand jury, see: http://nopoliticalrepression.wordpress.com/
the next night, Saturday...
Since 2002 · 175 showings · 15 locations · Always Free
Santa Cruz Guerilla
Drive-In Presents
In Chile's Atacama Desert, astronomers peer deep into the cosmos in search for answers concerning the origins of life. Nearby, a group of women sift through the sand searching for the remains of their loved ones, dumped unceremoniously by Pinochet's regime.
Saturday January 26th, 8:00pm
At Subrosa
703 Pacific Avenue
Always Free!
PLUS thrilling short films, an intermission, great company and a guaranteed good time!
BRING blankets, pillows, anything you need to be comfortable in the great outdoors, friends, snacks to share. Donations to support the project are more than welcome.
SANTA CRUZ GUERILLA DRIVE-IN is an outdoor movie theatre under the stars that springs up in the fields and industrial wastelands (and when it is cold and possibly wet we are inside). Beyond showing great movies and bringing a broad community together, part of our mission is helping reclaim public space and transforming our urban environment. Find out more at guerilladrivein.org
And two
nights later, on Monday night...
The Chain (Oly) with a person from the Hail Seizures
Critic (Santa Cruz/Oakland) with a person from blackbird Raum
Leeb (yup)
$3-$5 (NOTAFLOF) at 7pm
Critic (Santa Cruz/Oakland) with a person from blackbird Raum
Leeb (yup)
$3-$5 (NOTAFLOF) at 7pm
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