-Thursday Sept. 19th- Women/Trans/Queer Open Mic is back!
This Thursday is not only the full moon but also Women/Trans/Queer open mic at SubRosa. After spending weeks with my radical queer friends in the northwest, I have been longing for some queer community time. Which is to say I hope some of you can make it Thursday.
Open mic is a space for you to share yourself in anyway that feels right to you. You can read a story, poem or journal entry that feels important to you. You can sing or play a song you are excited about. You can make other people act out weird or funny things you think of. You can ask questions you need help answering. You can rant about shit that pisses you off. And you can just come and soak it all up. You can expect a little bit of full moon magic but what happens next is out of our hands.
We'll be open at 7pm, show starts at 8pm. Donations appreciated (notaflof)
facebook event post at https://www.facebook.com/events/639559529408715/?context=create#
-Friday Sept. 20th- A Show! with...

*They As In Them (sludgy hardcore from El Monte, CA) http://theyasinthem.bandcamp.com/
*Badblood (samzies but from Simi Valley, CA) http://ourbadblood.bandcamp.com/
*Xenotaph (raw black metal from Hayward, CA) http://xenotaph.bandcamp.com/
6pm//$5 suggested donation for touring bands (notaflof)
-Saturday Sept. 21st- Really Really Free Market, noon-3pm (offered in conjunction with Free Skool Santa Cruz*)
No money. No trades. Everything is free. This market is based on a gift-economy and thinks capitalism sucks.
Bring food to share. Bring your special items that you don't use but can't throw away (ex. clothes, toys, art supplies, instruments, books and zines...your free box). Bring your special talents to offer people (ex. haircuts, message, reiki...). Come and take what you can use and say thanks! We will have folks to check in with as you arrive. First come first served, space may be limited. At the end, please take away left over items that you brought with you.
*We, in the Free Skool collective, are now putting the call out for teachers for the upcoming quarter. Note the new deadline for submissions, Sept. 30th (a week earlier than usual). The Winter Calendar which runs from November 1st-January 31st, and we ask you to share what you know and love. Go to our website to submit your class proposal http://santacruz.freeskool.org/content/teach-free-skool-santa-cruz
And of course visit SubRosa during our open hours as well!
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