Thursday, May 30, 2024

Thursday - Sunday at SubRosa & More!

At SubRosa! Thursday - Sunday!

SubRosa is a collectively run anarchist community space - 

let's create together the world(s) we want to live in now.

  • This Thursday May 30th! At SubRosa show up for the show with…

* Plum Skin - really rockin' in Santa Cruz - @plumskinsc 

** Bug Seance - "a young trophy band in the parlance of our times" from PDX with indie shoegaze that rocks your socks - @bugseance 

*** First Day Back - singmo now you know from around close by - @firstdayback_ 

**** Starpower - the stars are indeed powerful!

Doors 6pm & Sound 6:30pm // $10 at door - notaflof! // all-ages // dry space // safe(r) space // anti-capitalist space // respect the space and each other! // Info from SubRosa IG post - 


* Dead Chicken @deadchicken_x 

** Poppyfield @poppyfieldmusic 

*** Bi @earthtobi 

**** n8w31ss @n8w31ss 

***** OJ

Doors at 5:30pm, music at 6pm // $10 at door - notaflof! // all-ages // dry space // safe(r) space // anti-capitalist space // respect the space and each other! // Info from SubRosa IG - 

  • Saturday morning at SubRosa, 10am - 12pm - Giant Puppet Workshop! Come learn how to and actually make giant puppets (a series).

*Session 1: Theory, Process, Design, and Identify Materials (Saturday 6/1 - 10am - 12pm) - at SubRosa 

*Session 2: Make the Frame and the Form (Saturday 6/15 - 9am - 2pm) - at SubRosa 

*Session 3: Paper Mache and Costume Making (Saturday 7/13 - 9am - 2pm - location tbd)

*Session 4: Final Painting and Assembly (Saturday 7/27 - 9am - 2pm - location tbd)

  • Also this Saturday in the evening at SubRosa, June 1st: Art, Music, and Solidarity through Maps!!! - from @lizzybizzylemonsquizzy 

- Art at 4pm! We'll have an art market, clothing swap, banner for all to sew - honoring the martyrs in Palestine.

-Music at 7pm! $10 at door - notaflof! (no one turned away for lack of funds)

Incredible art by: @lou.ursa // @earthgirltwile // @camilonerii // @anjoliesd // @matilijajajaja // @hat.photo222 // @motorbratt 

And vending by: @ananyaceramics // @emstarlee // @juwuling.juwuls // @timeless.spark // @piercedozomahtliart // @iveneverbeenhereb4 // @myspacemaya // @salsellsseashells // @anjoliesd // @matilijajajaja 

🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸All proceeds from music cover and portion from the art market will be donated to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund and individual family fundraisers. Thank you very much and hope to see you there! - from @lizzybizzylemonsquizzy 

Art 4pm & Music 7pm // $10 at door - notaflof! // all-ages // dry space // safe(r) space // anti-capitalist space // respect the space and each other! // Info from SubRosa IG - 

  • Sunday June 2nd! @shlyshlymusic presents manalia's 2 year on e celebration with a deluxe extravaganza at SubRosa! 

* INBHB - (sc whatever genre) -  @iveneverbeenhereb4 

** FGR SKRT (sf multi-genre dance) - @fgr.sktr 

*** DJ Saratonin (the sound of bay area dj'ing) - @lil.saratonin 

**** Mars Kumari (east bay hauntologist extraordinaire) - @mars.kumari 

***** Diana Starshine (sf hyper pop queen) - @dianastarshine 

******Yours Forever Yours (bay area digi bedroom skramz) - @yoursforeveryours209 

******* Half Calf (sc dreamo) - @halfcalfca 

******** Emma Puppy - (sc - is there a genre she cant perform?) - @emmaepup 

Doors 4:30pm & Music 5:30pm // $15 at door - notaflof! // all-ages // dry space // safe(r) space // anti-capitalist space // respect the space and each other! // Info from SubRosa IG post - 


  • Join us for the 2024 Free Skool Santa Cruz Summer Session by offering a class or activity! Deadline to submit for this round is Monday June 10th!

A radically different approach to living and learning, Free Skool Santa Cruz is a grassroots educational project beyond institutional control. It is an opportunity to learn from each other and share what we know, to foster communities based on mutual support and autonomy (do-it-yourself-together!). Link to submit class proposals!

What skills would you like to share? What types of classes would help grow more vibrant, self-reliant and mutually supportive communities?


Our summer calendar kicks off on summer solstice - Thursday June 20th and goes until autumn equinox - Sunday September 22nd. The deadline to submit your class is Monday June 10th. And in early August we will request additional class submissions for the rest of the session (until autumn equinox - Sunday September 22nd).


What is Free Skool Santa Cruz?

A radically different approach to living and learning, Free Skool Santa Cruz is a grassroots educational project beyond institutional control. It is an opportunity to learn from each other and share what we know, to foster communities of mutual support and autonomy.


What does the "free" in Free Skool mean? 

We try to keep Free Skool firmly fixed in a gift economy and outside the stream of commerce. While some teachers may ask for a donation to cover materials, no one is turned away for lack of funds. 


We see Free Skool as a direct challenge to dominant institutions and hierarchical relationships. The project strives to blur the lines between teacher, learner, and organizer. Free Skool is decentralized, with classes held in social spaces and parks.


Part of creating a new world is resistance to the old one. Through this project, we want to contribute to changing the ways we learn and the ways we relate to each other.


We look forward to receiving your proposals for the 2024 Free Skool Santa Cruz summer calendar, and let's explore and enjoy the summer together! Link to submit class proposals!

 -Free Skool collective members (*** members of the FSSC collective are also involved in the SubRosa collective)


  • Strike at UCSC info from  "On Monday, May 20th, UC Santa Cruz, "UC's most striking campus," was the first to "stand up" in UAW 4811's ULP strike. We walk out knowing the heat is concentrated on us, expecting admin to be more aggressive than in 2022, while also knowing there is a tidal wave of support behind us."

 "The striking workers are demanding: Divestment from companies profiting from the occupation, including weapons manufacturers and military contractors benefiting from the war on Gaza; Disclosure of all investments and provision of alternative funding for workers seeking to leave positions funded by sources complicit in the war on Gaza, such as the US Department of Defense; Full amnesty for all students and workers and the absolute guarantee of their rights to freedom of expression and collective protest. We, academic workers at the University of California, Santa Cruz, understand that this genocide is a war on the Palestinian people and Palestinian workers—academic workers among them. We know that our strike appears rather insignificant in the context of the horrific massacres. But we hope the echo of our voice reaches the labor movement throughout the world, and pushes our comrades elsewhere towards material action. Solidarity from us to Gaza, Palestine and its people. We draw our strength from your strength, our resolve from your resolve, our integrity from your integrity."

And more information at UCSC at // // and more…


-And out Fábrica Open Hours, Mondays, 12 - 3pm and Saturdays, 2pm - 5pm and Sundays,11am - 2pm (except 2nd Sunday of month) // repeats weekly (SubRosa's neighbor!)

Description: The Fábrica is a community workspace where folks can come to learn and share knowledge about textiles arts. This includes Sewing, Knitting, Quilting, Embroidery, Crochet, and Bookbinding, among other arts. The workshop is operated by volunteers and funded by donations from participants. We have sewing machines as well as generous amounts of fabric, zippers, notions, and the other tools and supplies one needs for most sewing and yarn-based projects. There is no charge to use the shop, but please consider a $5-10 donation to help with our operating costs. Contact info below.

-And another neighbor - Bike Church // Open Hours, Thursday - Monday, 12–5pm (Repeats every week) 

AND W.T.F. (Women, trans, femme) bike days are back! Every Tuesday starting from 5 - 8pm -  we will be open to anyone identifying as female, trans, femme, non-binary and gender-queer <3 if you do not identify as any of the above, come by the shop a different day! :) 

About our wonderful neighbor, The Bike Church (enter on Spruce St) - "The Bike Church is a project of the Hub and has been Santa Cruz's only community bike shop since 1998. Our shop functions in a DIY/DIT (Do-It-Together) manner: we provide the tools, space and instruction for individuals to fix their own bike with the guidance of knowledgeable mechanics. We ask for a donation of $5-15 per hour to use the shop--no one is turned away for lack of funds. We provide used and new parts for affordable prices, and have many used bikes for sale. We give away kids bikes for free. Our shop is run by a collective of mechanics and apprentices who are all paid equally. We use consensus meetings to make decisions about the running of the shop." Contact info below.

<Contact info for our neighbors at The Hub, 703 Pacific Ave>

-The Bike Church --- // // 

-Hard Core Compost --- // //  

-The Fábrica --- // //

-PedX Courier & Cargo --- // // 

-Tenant Sanctuary --- // //  

The Santa Cruz Hub for Sustainable Living includes a constellation of projects that support skill-sharing, appropriate re/use of resources, and interconnected, creative communities - since 1994! // // 


SubRosa is a collectively run anarchist community space, a place to meet others and challenge our assumptions and act on our passions. We strive to create a vibrant environment for events, classes, meetings, organizing, performance, art, studying and more. SubRosa also offers radical literature for sale, and houses the Anarchist Lending Library. We welcome folks to join us in fostering an environment free from coercion, sexism, queer&homophobia, racism, ableism and other hierarchies. 

SubRosa is part of the Hub Community Center, in downtown Santa Cruz, CA which is the unceded homelands of the Awaswas-speaking Ohlone people known as the Uypi, who stewarded these lands since time immemorial. Centuries of colonial violence led to the removal and displacement of the Uypi. The Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, comprised of the descendants of indigenous people taken to missions Santa Cruz and San Juan Bautista during Spanish colonization of the Central Coast, is today working hard to restore traditional stewardship practices on these lands and heal from historical trauma. 

Do you want to join SubRosa in solidarity with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band? 

-Contribute to The Humunya Foundation of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band, a 501 (c) (3) Private Foundation under the Internal Revenue Code. As such, donations made to the Humunya Foundation are tax deductable. The Humunya Foundation was created to fund raise, facilitate Tribal cultural activities and conduct outreach to the public. More information 

-Sign up for the Amah Mutsun Land Trust email list for more information and opportunities to get involved. 

-Consider making a monthly  donation to Amah Mutsun Land Trust to support the tribe's Indigenous stewardship and cultural relearning work. 

-Check out to protect Juristac, an Amah Mutsun sacred site threatened by a proposed mining operation in Santa Clara county. Actions include:  Sign the petition to protect Juristac, an Amah Mutsun sacred site threatened by a proposed mining operation in Santa Clara county. and and and 


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Comments on the SubRosa website are fully moderated. As a collective, we agreed that the purpose of the website was to promote SubRosa, not to provide an online place for lively and invigorating debate. We hope that the space itself is where conversations on the nature of anarchism and local projects will take place. That said, we occasionally approve comments that are informative or reflect a viewpoint we feel it is important for website visitors to read.

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