Monday, June 24, 2024

Hand drawn Free Skool Summer ‘24 Calendar is now available for download on FSSC website!

It’s here! Our hand drawn Free Skool Summer ‘24 Calendar is now available for download on our website! And download for the other side a chronological list of classes! Both available at 

A radically different approach to living and learning, Free Skool Santa Cruz is a grassroots educational project beyond institutional control. It is an opportunity to learn from each other and share what we know, to foster communities of mutual support and autonomy.

Part of creating a new world is resistance to the old one. Through this project, we want to contribute to changing the ways we learn and the ways we relate to each other. And let’s enjoy each other’s company and summer together!

***Members of the SubRosa collective are involved in this revived and not entirely new, not all too different version of Free Skool Santa Cruz – a project in mutual aid learning and sharing. And SubRosa/the Hub is a site of a significant amount of classes (although not all!).

Info about other great Free Skool classes at:


SubRosa is a collectively run anarchist community space - a place to meet people, share resources and ideas, challenge our assumptions and act on our passions. Let’s create together the world(s) we want to live in now. 

And SubRosa is part of the Hub Community Center at 703 Pacific Ave in downtown Santa Cruz - a constellation of projects that support skill-sharing, appropriate re/use of resources, and interconnected, creative communities - since 1994!

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